Metabase with ADempiere/iDempiere Dashboard Panel
The goal of this tutorial Dashboard Panels is a great way to improve the usability of the WebUI. You can give relevant information or quick access to important functions for.. read more
Since iDempiere is forked from adempiere, it has added many feature to increase user productivity. Starting blog to introduce iDempiere features which can improve user experience on browsing data and increase work efficiency. About iDempiere: iDempiere is a Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning.. read more
“If you are working with very small set of window, form or process in adempiere and you love to work with shortcuts, you may love this feature of Adempiere/iDempiere. I can say this as enabling command into Adempiere/iDempiere”. This blog is in our series of improving work efficiency in Ad/iD. The purpose of this post is to guide you to use “Search definition” menu in ADempiere which allows to configure search for easy and fast.. read more